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Unhappy with University or College? File a Consumer Complaint

A new case in Ontario (Ramdath v. George Brown College) establishes the right of students to sue their college or university for misrepresenting courses as a consumer complaint under the Consumer Protection Act (Ontario).  I believe this could be a major development in bringing more accountability to post-secondary educational institutions.

I’ve dealt with seven universities as a student or supporting parent/spouse over 40 years, and in the last decade or so, it seems that these purveyors of higher education have forgotten who their customers are – the student and parents.  They often treat their customers with discourtesy, arrogance, and arbitrary bureaucratic attitude – except when they want alumni donations of course.  It’s high time that universities and colleges sent their administrative staff to Disney University to be retrained in basic customer service.  In the meantime, maybe they’ll get the message if lots of students file consumer complaints for the most egregious problems.


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Management Buy-Outs

What I really want to talk about this month is Management Buy-Outs (“MBO’s”), in particular, the unique aspects of MBO’s. And, there are some

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